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Company Name
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service

Website URL

Company Industry
Emergency & Relief Services

Departments Hiring For
Administration, Apprenticeships, Operations

Company Profile

GMFRS is one of the largest fire and rescue service in England, covering an area of 493 square miles and serving a population of 2.87 million residents, with many other people working or visiting the region.

We do a lot more than simply putting out fires, delivering a range of services from 41 strategically placed fire stations across Greater Manchester, including fire prevention and safety within the community.

We have a state of the art training facility that offers the communities we serve the opportunity to an interactive, educational tour.

Along with this is our brand new Incident Command and Leadership Development Academy, a fully immersive facility to deliver operational and incident command training and development to GMFRS’ fire crews and partners, maintaining the highest standard of competence in the workplace and improving firefighter safety at emergency incidents, making it one of the best places in the country to deliver operational firefighter training.


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